If you haven’t seen part one of our transformation, check that out here!
After we had done a mini-overhaul on the nursery with new floors, paint, and lighting it was time to put together the details.
Here is the finished nursery looking in from the door.

Hubby and I both loved the idea of a branch decal. I searched Etsy for hours to find the right decal in the right colors, and we were really excited with what we received.

Here is the bedding… we took small elements from the bedding and tied it into the rest of the room. The primary element was the color palette. We used a lot of creams, browns and some of that coral pink color throughout, but I also used the circle shape in the table and rug and the swirls/leaves in the branch decal.

From the opposite corner of the room- I found these four frames at a consignment sale; they were $15 for all four! I painted them cream and used them as a collage. In one of the frames is a side-by-side comparison of hubby and my baby photos. The frame below holds a precious poem that my Aunt Stephanie wrote for me and shared at my baby shower. The other two frames are empty, awaiting some lovey photos of our newborn!
I found this baby photo below of myself and asked hubby to grab one of his baby photos… when he came home with this one we were hysterical at the similarities!! Same background, same pose, similar stuffed rabbit! We will have to get a little rabbit for out little girl to take a photo with 🙂 As babies though, I think we were very different looking- he was long thin, light skinned, light hair and I was chubbier, darker complected, and had much darker hair (look at my eyebrows!) It will definitely be fun to see who she looks like as a little one.

Our glider found the perfect spot in this corner. I often find myself sitting in it just enjoying our nursery.

My friend Candace made this bird mobile for me and it was the perfect fit! We decided to hang it over the glider so our little one would have something fun to stare at while we rocked. It adds so much to the room!

The last element we were waiting on to complete the nursery was a side table to put the monitor on and have next to the glider. After a lot of searching and deciding that I wouldn’t pay $80 for a little table, hubby and I decided to make one! This was not as easy as we thought it was going to be… we had no plans and had never made furniture before- furniture that was supposed to look good and have a purpose. Hubby fretted over it a little more than I did, but I reminded him throughout the building process that we were saving money, making memories, laughing, and that it wasn’t going to hold HER, just her monitor! When it was complete I painted it, we placed it and added a few accessories (that photo is hubby and I at our engagement party) and it is PERFECT! Exactly what I was picturing! I couldn’t have bought anything better and we have great memories of making our little girl her table.

The curtains were fairly easy to chose, we just wanted something simple and heat blocking. They are almost a linen material and although we haven’t been through a hot summer yet, we’re hoping they do their job!

On the other side is her older clothing, all of her size 1-2 diapers and ALL of our wipes. We have another closet full of sizes 2, 3, 4 and 5 diapers. We were blessed with diapers!!

Finally, a simple round, ivory shag rug to soften the floor a little!

Very peaceful and beautiful…I can’t believe those baby pictures…1983 must have been the year for stuffed bunnies! SO Cute!
Oh my gosh, the nursery is gorgeous! LOVE the wall color… It’s so weird, I literally JUST posted about that wall color maybe 30 seconds ago, hehe.
It is so cute, cozy, and very inviting! That wall decal is really cute, I love that kind of thing… You might have to come decorate for me when the time comes hehee 😛
Love love love it! I’ve been looking for a tree decal for our nursery and I am going to check out that site right now! Thanks for sharing!
I’m sure little baby girl will love it as much as you! It is stunning!
Very pretty and classic. Great job!
It’s so wonderfully serene Stephanie! Can’t wait to see that last decal up :-). Your comment on WP made me laugh! I’m sure you ARE looking forward to a shopping date! After 9 months though, all your old clothes will probably seem new again. Soon my dear, very soon. Btw, I hear December 4th is a great day to be born 😉 (that’s my birthday!).
So beautiful and classic! I love that wall decal! 🙂
Gorgeous! Love the tree branch decal and the bedding!
The nursery is beautiful! I have always loved the wall decal that you all purchased, the table and the bird mobile are darling!
I have to agree that it is hysterical that your baby pictures are so much alike! haha
super cute! can’t wait to meet her! when are we going to do pilates together?