We all have them: Those cozy sweats that––thanks to years of washing and wearing––are a bit on the short and worn side. Oh, but they feel so nice. Comfy and soft, exactly as loungewear should be. (Now that I’m typing this, I’m wondering if this is just me. I hope not…) Today’s project may be…
Make it with Love: Jam Filled Heart-Shaped Scones
It seems that Valentine’s Day gives us an excuse to take everything we love and make it heart-shaped. Whether it’s a note or a lollipop, if it’s shaped in a heart, we know it’s extra special. These jam-filled scones are special indeed, and not only because they’ve met the heart-shaped cookie cutter. Jam and blueberries…
Weekend Project: Simple Valentine’s Day Paper Heart Garland
After THE holidays my house always feels so bare, almost sad. The decor has been taken down, the tree thrown out, the gifts have been unwrapped and put away. Just like that, my house is empty. Thankfully Valentine’s Day isn’t far behind, giving us an excuse to brighten mantels and tables with shades of pink and…
Weekend Project: Sew an Apron (the lazy way!)
It’s true that an apron doesn’t need to be fashionable to be functional, but we sure love when it can be both! And since an apron doesn’t require buttons or zippers or even fancy hems, it’s a lazy girl’s favorite sewing project. (I should know. I’ve probably gifted a dozen of these!) This particular apron…
New Year, New Traditions: Let’s Start with Brunch!
I’ve always loved the idea of hosting a brunch on New Year’s Day. It seems fitting to share the excitement of a new year with family and friends while enjoying fresh coffee and delicious breakfast goodies. This year, I made it happen, and thanks to the 10 lessons I’ve recently learned, it was relatively stress-free. (I…
Happy New Year! (+ 5 Things You Should Know About Us)
Happy New Year, all! We are excited about 2014, and not only because we Type A’s love any reason to make goals and lists and resolutions. We also love the hope that a new year brings! How about you? Some of you began with us in August when we launched Citrus and Cream, but many…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, friends! We hope this day is full of love, light, and joy! “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” Luke 2:14 Love Candace and Stephanie
10 Lessons Learned from Throwing Another Party
Thirty minutes until party time, and this is the scene we have: Kitchen counters are covered end to end with wrappers, dirty dishes, and an even dusting of flour. Drinks aren’t made, appetizers aren’t finished, and my hair is one frizzy mess. I begin doing my usual dance, running from one thing to another like…
DIY Peppermint Hot Chocolate Party Favors
‘Tis the season for parties and celebrations! Since it is far too easy to get carried away with decorations and gourmet desserts (thank you, Pinterest), we can’t help but love simple party favors. There’s something sweet about handing your guests a little “thank you for coming” as they head home. After all, they’re the ones…
Favorite Things Party 2013
Candace and I hosted our second annual favorite things party this year! It was just as fun as ever, but we put a ton of work into it! Candace created a beautiful backdrop, we made all of the food as well as a chocolate peppermint martini and everything left with 3 awesome gifts! If you…