Today I am sharing with you a DIY Valentine’s Goodie Bag that I made for each of my girls. I have had this idea in my head for quite some time now. I wanted a special bag to hold the girls’ treats and gifts, but didn’t want to spend a crazy amount of money. I also wanted it big enough to hold books, coloring books, and some larger items since our girls are young, and we do more learning and playing items than tons of candy.
I headed off to JoAnn’s for some felt in three different colors: red, pink, and purple. I just roughly measured in my head accounting for how big I wanted them to be.
The Steps
First, cut out your square and any embellishment. I used a heart for each and their inital.
Second, sew the top embellishment onto the next layer (I sewed the initial onto the heart), then continue down until everything is sewed onto the front of the bag.
Third, sew the bag. You can either sew the front and back together, like a basic envelope, or add a strip in to make it more like a bag. The instructions below are for adding in the strip.
When you are ready to put the bag together, measure out a strip for the handle. I chose to use felt since I had enough of it. I cut a piece the exact width of the bottom of my bag then a second piece long enough to go around the sides of the bag, becoming the handle.
Sew your bottom piece to your handle piece on both sides. This will leave you with one long loop and also gives you two corner seams where the bottom corners of your bag meet.
Finally, pin and sew your loop to the front piece, then the back piece. I chose not to flip mine inside out while sewing because I liked seeing the seam.
That’s it, all done! Pretty easy and inexpensive. All it takes is a little time and love!
Oh goodness Stephy~~~~~They turned out adorable! I am sure the girls are going to LOVE them!
Thanks! I hope so!